Seven years ago, four crones dreamed a little dream together: a visceral, evocative dream where women from all the directions gathered on the banks of a wide flowing river, under sweeping African skies, to re-awaken from a collective slumber and into our true, embodied eros as the undivided, feminine force-field of feral fecundity and wild womb wisdom.
Nine months later The RED Retreat birthed herself into form, and since then, her gravitational force-field has seduced hundreds of women to pray and play, in ritual and in ceremony, along the banks of the great, glorious Breede River in South Africa.
This year is the 6th manifestation of The RED Retreat, and the 7th since its dream-seeding. For the crones - Valentina, Lolla, Rhianne and Kali - it feels like the crowning of one full cycle, a complete turning of the wheel: and next year something new wants dreaming and birthing.
But before this new dream can arise, the crones feel a potent directive to return back to basics, stripped bare, naked, real and remarkable!
The guidance is to slow right down, do much less, and be much more! There’s a deep desire for greater expansiveness and spaciousness for sharing and connection, for rest and relaxation – together as one.
The feminine is inviting us to show up in a different way this year – to come naked, unadorned, unburdened and undone. She’s imploring us to get down and dirty together, with no temple other than our own beautiful, breathing bodies of love, and no altar but earth and sky, river and fire. This year, we will have no trading and we will give space to spontaneous community arisings…
​The rallying roar is to come with an attitude of gratitude, and of renewed devotion and service to the Shakti, our Mother-Lover Earth - and to one another: each one teach one, ubuntu, I am because you are. We are all in this together, and we are singing and dancing one another home.

Envision 6 days of bliss in an idyllic riverside & mountain setting.
During our time together we will dance, trance, shake & drum around the sacred fire.
We will dissolve in the liquid waters of the Breede River, we will stand naked in the wind and melt into the sun.
Together, we will celebrate the intensity of being ALIVE in beautiful bodies of LOVE on this blue green planet EARTH,
from whom we are not separate, & whose nervous system is so much greater than our own.
Unravelling ourselves, we will PLUG into HER – rewiring & resetting!
We'll eat, laugh, sleep, dance, cry, sing, howl, dream, shake, roar, celebrate and love together as
one tribe of Women Awakening.
Together, we’ll camp under the starry African night sky,
and live in intimate communion with the elements: earth, fire, wind & water.
We'll cook & eat together as a tribe of conscious women, as lovers, as truth warriors.
We'll share our stories, our deepest desires, our hearts' songs, and perhaps our secrets too.
We will dance, breathe, sing, meditate, laugh, cry, & inquire into our true essence.
We will be fearless explorers of the inner world of wondrous women.
We'll meet her mystery, her blessings, her body of love, & her innate power for embodied bliss.
We'll explore community, sisterly support & the nourishment that comes from the sharing of our unique gifts,
our fascinating wonderment & our unique inner beauty.
The RED Retreat includes group session work, dances, meditation, breathwork, lodge, ceremony & rites of passage.